Thoughts, Volume 2—by Steven Rouk
What is the purpose of your life? What does modern medicine tell us about wild animal suffering? What would happen if everyone started randomly swapping their babies?
Thoughts, Volume 2 is here.
May it bring you thoughts you’ve never before thought that challenge you and enrich your life.

Thoughts, Volume 1—by Steven Rouk
What truly matters? Can dogs think in English? Has the apocalypse already happened? Is truth important?
This book is for the unpolished, ad hoc, back-of-the-napkin thoughts. It’s a place for the important things I feel compelled to write about, but can’t quite figure out where to write about them.
Simply put, this book is a place for everything else that I write through the course of the year—the thoughts and ideas and observations which may or may not find a place in any future work of mine. It’s a place of experiments: one part laboratory notebook, one part personal journal.
And so, I hope you engage with the thoughts here as such. Not as certainties, or absolute knowledge. Not as solid truth or indisputable fact. Nor as my final statements on various matters. But rather, as some thoughts that have come from a questioning mind—a mind that has spent years engaged in trying to figure out why we’re here, what to do about it, and all sorts of other things.
I write about animal rights and how to live a good life.
I’ve been searching for the answer to what I think is the most important question we can ask: “How do I live a good life?” I think I’ve found some important and useful answers, and I want to share them with you in the hopes that you can live a happier, healthier, more impactful, and more meaningful life.
One of the biggest answers I’ve found is that we as humans need to consider the interests of other animals. The best way for humanity to make progress on that journey right now is by ending animal farming—so I write about how to accomplish that goal, as well. Indeed, I think that urgently ending factory farming is one of the most important things we can do.
If you’re interested in what keeps me busy, I’m usually working on Connect For Animals, my organization dedicated to connecting people who want to help end factory farming.
If you want to stay in touch with me and my writing, sign up for my email newsletter below.

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